
Yoga for employees

Everyday stress at work carries a number of consequences. It’s not always negative, as it is necessary to work efficiently and makes us willing to act. But it also causes much tension in our body. And this is where yoga comes in.

Natalia Kraus

Natalia Kraus

Slow life coach, balance yoga instructor, blogger and editor who lives slowly in a big city. Since her path to where she is now was very bumpy, she wants to make slow life easier for others. More on:

★ 4 minutes czytania

If you think yoga is for over-flexible people who can put their legs behind their heads, then I will disenchant you. It’s not. Well, OK, sometimes it is, but only in advanced groups, where people meet who had been working out for years and want to test the limits of their bodies.  In “normal” yoga classes, and especially in beginner’s groups nobody is putting their legs behind anything and does not even have to be able to touch their toes in a forward fold. There is nothing really that you HAVE TO do, because yoga is not about competing in who can do more. Yoga allows you to forget about competing, to do everything differently, and nobody will tell you you’re wrong. Because yoga taught by a good, wise teacher is a place where everyone can meet with their body, their weaknesses, their fatigue, overworking, stress, tension, their pain and fears. Yoga will help your body show you where the problem lies and what to do to feel better. How so? And why it’s not the same when you work out at a gym? It’s because you need to stop first to listen to your body and to communicate with it. This is hard. Especially today. We tend to choose physical activities that allow us to keep running, riding a bike or to count crunches rather than to meet your body eyeball to eyeball and ask: “What hurts you?” We are afraid of the answer and of having to admit that we ourselves have caused that fatigue and have pretended not to see the signals timidly sent by the body.

Slow down

There is no rush at yoga. There is time. You stand on the mat and begin with very simple moves. Doesn’t matter whether your muscles are stretched or not, whether you have a few extra pounds, or you get out of breath with more intense exercises. Yoga accepts everything. The body does only what it can and want to do. There are basic and more advanced yoga poses. You decide which one to choose today, depending on how you feel. Each move is coordinated with the breath, which allows you to go deep inside your body and to listen to your needs.

The body is wise and knows perfectly well what it needs. Just let it speak. 

I know all so well what it’s like to work in a corporation, I know the fatigue, chronic stress, tension all over your body and overloaded mind. That’s exactly why I got interested in yoga. There are many different yoga styles with diverse exercising forms. I have always looked for the ones that lead to recovery, simmering down, relaxation and regaining the inner harmony. 

Balance yoga

This is how I created balance yoga, which combines traditional Sivananda techniques, Taoist exercises, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation and my own experience. Balance yoga classes will teach you deep breathing, will clear your mind, stretch your body and relax your muscles. It will provide you with new vital energy and you will feel good in your body! What are the advantages for employers and employees? Exercising twice a week (once at work and once at home) employees can release all the tension within their bodies, clear their minds of too many thoughts, calm down and recover. This prevents occupational burnout, allows to work more efficiently and makes the workplace more friendly. On the other hand, employers who provide yoga classes for their employees are not just bosses; they are bosses who notice and take care of their people’s needs. Employees will appreciate that. After all, we are not cyborgs (luckily!) but humans. And we need to take care of our bodies to stay fit. Not only at work.

If you need more information or want to book a trial class, contact me via the contact form on:

Are you a meditation fan or would like to find out if it works for you? Read the article about once-a-week meditation that we do at Aude. 

Kategorie: power of contentic, B2E

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