5-change the cover photo

Let’s quickly replace the cover photo

True, the CEO is going to look better, but the whole page will go back to graphic designers for retouching before it can be sent to print.

Anna Zacharuk

Anna Zacharuk

A stoic who keeps her calm even in most stressful situations. Starts off the day at work sour-faced… drinking water with juice from one whole lemon. Then she's all sugar and spice – layouts, articles, posters, campaigns, even invoices! All full of nostalgy and poetry, because she's a real expert on rhyming, puns, ditties and songs.

★ 2 minutes czytania

– Good morning, Kasia!

– Good morning, Jola!

– Is the magazine in print already?

– No, we are still checking the printouts and we’re about to send the files to print.

– Oh this is good news, because the CEO does not like his photo on the cover and we need to replace it. Just hold on a minute, I will send you a new photo so you can replace it quickly and we’ll proceed with printing… allright?

Kasia’s brain wave: the printer’s is waiting for the files till 15.00! It’s 14.25, and we need to check if the photo that we still don’t have is suitable for print and for the cover. Aligning previews to make them fit the new photo will take 5 to 20 minutes, CEO approval – 5 min. to 2 weeks, photo retouch and print – 30 to 90 min, preparing and sending to print – 20 to 90 min.,  waiting for imposition, checking and approving – 20 to 90 min. The shortest option is nearly 1,5 h, which is 40 minutes after the printer’s deadline, Kasia thinks.

– Hello, are you still there, Kasia?

– Yes, of course, Kasia says and cringes, because she already knows what she is about to hear from the graphic designers.

– One more tiny thing, Kasia, you see I have that photo in horizontal view instead of vertical – can you do something about it?

Kasia feels all her energy escaping through her ears.

– Jola, please send me the photo as quickly as you can and we’ll see what we can do…

Kategorie: power of contentic, B2C

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