The Art of Give and Take – Mastermind Groups

Do you ever feel lonely in your professional life? Are you in doubt about what to do? Do you need brainstorming with people who know their stuff? It’s time to think about mastermind group meetings.
Urszula Radzińska

Urszula Radzińska

Journalist and musicologist who decided to dedicate herself to looking for harmony in corporate communication. Head of leading Polish content marketing agency Aude, CEO of Content Marketing Polska Association, author of interviews with experts “Your First Customer”.

★ 3 minutes czytania

Mastermind meeting can have various forms: online or offline. It can be a fixed group, but doesn’t have to be. The key elements of mastermind meetings include:

  • Knowing the participants (you know who is who),
  • common subject,
  • time discipline,
  • everyone has the same amount of time to share their problem and get responds/ideas/solutions from others at the table,
  • knowing the rules and being aware that everyone takes as much as they give.

My first mastermind group meeting was during Chris Dicker conference YourPreneur. It was a very refreshing experience. In a short time I was provided with a lot of different opinions and approaches to my problem. Each time I was meeting different people, which made the meetings very dynamic. 

Together instead of by oneself

For some groups, mastermind meetings are about common growth, sharing knowledge, but also drawing from others. A few years ago this kind of group was formed by Michał Szafrański, owner of the blog “Jak oszczędzać pieniądze” (‘how to save money’). “Instead of pondering on the next steps by yourself, e.g. in business, you can use collective help from people you trust. You can discuss things that matter to you, work on the problems, find the best solutions, draw knowledge from others, but also provide your expertise and experience. All this in a safe and confident way, because otherwise there would be no place for being honest,” writes Michał Szafrański, inviting to view the group’s meeting. He tells about how the group formed, and what rules it follows.

Mastermind for internal communication experts

I’m launching a weekly mastermind meeting cycle for people dealing with internal communication in companies. The current situation is unusual – it is a challenge for business, but also for people who deal with communication. The questions arising can not be discussed openly on FB or LN – you can only talk about these issues in a group where confidentiality rules apply. We should know who we address the question to. The fact there are people at the table who run various businesses or come from various cultural circles, but nonetheless face similar challenges, should – hopefully – favor a good, constructive dialogue. As a result, we are not left alone with our doubts – we can draw from the wisdom of others who had been in a similar situation on the one hand, and share our own wisdom on the other, providing advice based on our own experience.

If you are interested in taking part in a mastermind group meeting, please safe your seat here.

Kategorie: school of contentic, B2E

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