Power of Content Marketing Awards 2018 distributed!

7 awards went to AUDE customers. Congratulations to everyone – not only to the customers, but also to ourselves :)
Magdalena Kozińska

Magdalena Kozińska

A tamer of words, which have only one option under her supervision – to become an exceptional text. She likes it fast, loud and specific. The Manager of Neverending Creativity. With impeccable lightness she shares with us her rippling laughter and juggles with words… not always so impeccable. Her reliability has been well described by one of our customers: “I don’t know what I want, but I’m sure Magda does know it!”

★ 3 minutes czytania

ING Bank Śląski has been our customer for 8 years. We create for the bank a periodical and numerous publications to support the company’s communication. This year we published together the culture book “Simply ING” – a book about the people of the banking community and for those people. We showed in the publication how corporate culture builds the company’s strength. The Jury recognized our work and awarded it with golden award in the category one-time publication. The argumentation goes: “For the corporate moodboard, interesting, unusual form, collecting materials from numerous sources and creating a project, which shows employees’ engagement in creating corporate culture.”

Our customer went to the podium three more times – the Jury awarded its banking video communication and the website for the bank’s employees. ING Bank Śląski also won the Grand Prix for its content marketing actions, and the argumentation goes: “For supporting corporate culture transformation and investments in creating tools for expressing new content with new methods, as well as for employees’ engagement in creating new business reality, and for the transformation’s coherence in internal and external communication.”

In the category “Content Marketing – Agriculture and Related” the gold went to BGŻ BNP Paribas bank, for whom we design and edit the “Agrokurier” magazine for farmers. The Jury awarded the magazine we prepared for “Creating a way to show agriculture in modern light and for diversified content: from people’s stories to practical calendars.”

Another winner is ATLAS Group, for whom we have been creating the “ATLAS fachowca” quarterly for the past four years – a specialized magazine for renovation and building sector. The magazine won two bronze statuettes in the category Content Marketing – Building Sector and Home&Garden “For useful content, expanding experts’ knowledge and skills, keeping the balance between showing their experience and presenting useful products” and in the category Magazine for B2B Customers “For providing much information about products in the form of practical expert’s advice.”

For the next year in a row the Jury awarded the magazine “Connect” published by AUDE for four years. This e-magazine for Raiffeisen Polbank employees was awarded “For dynamic stories told in an interesting way, interviews with the management staff telling employees about the company reality, and the friendly active pdf form.”

The Jury also recognized the publication “Elektroenergetyka. Współczesność i rozwój.” This series of research papers published by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne won gold “For a professional publication which stands out with clarity and credibility. Scientific content, addressed to niche recipients, presented in a modern and accessible way.”

Congratulations to all our customers, hoping for many more exciting projects together, which next year will win even more recognition and a rain of awards.

Kategorie: power of contentic

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