Leashed by high-tech

How many times have you heard someone say they feel like they’re missing their arm if they don’t have their phone near by? Maybe you have also felt like this yourself? No wonder. According to research, our attachment to high technology is growing each year and has never been so strong. What does it actually mean and how can we use this knowledge effectively?
Paulina Grzęda

Paulina Grzęda

Compellingly engaged and creatively charming, with ease she’ll stir to action and skillfully lead any customer, graphic designer or other representative of maleness charmed by her creative nature. With inborn empathy she can look at tasks from customers’ perspective.

★ 4 minutes czytania

You know this feeling? Searching your pockets restlessly, checking your jacket, your pants and your bag, until you finally realize you forgot to take your phone, and there’s the dilemma: should you go back and grab it or just carry on completely cut off from the world for the rest of the day? Being mobile is only natural nowadays. Smartphones, tablets, laptops – we take them with us anywhere we go, even to the bathroom. We can’t miss any moment, each minute is worth its weight in gold. Our life if intense and we want to deal with as many things as possible as quickly as possible. Speed and convenience is what matters.

Google global concern conducted a study this year about the use of various types of devices over a day (excluding use for business purposes). The study was carried out among people aged 18-49 living in the United States.
According to the study, 80% of the respondents use smartphones, 67% computers and only 16% – tablets. What’s interesting, 27% of them use exclusively smartphones, and that number is twice as high as those of people who only use computers (14%). It’s worth mentioning that in the course of an average day nearly 40% of the respondents search for information only on smartphones in order to satisfy their most urgent needs. The most popular fields include health, parenting and beauty. One could risk saying that smartphone users never sleep, as smartphones are used evenly not only during the day, but some 30% also use them at night, while the peak for computers is between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
The research also shows that more than half of the respondents use at least two types of devices and switch from one to the other or yet another one freely, and ⅕ of them uses another mobile device simultaneously with the computer.




“Poland is far behind the United States. The latter is a world giant, everything there happens earlier and faster, we are far from catching up with them” you could say. First, even if the States are ahead of us in some fields, this doesn’t mean the same can’t happen here. On the contrary – they can point to some trends which are coming over and it’s worth following them. Second, I wouldn’t be so sure we’re that far behind the US. It’s true people in Poland spend much time on their desktop computers, but it’s also true mobile devices are winning more and more fans. And I’m not writing this because I myself do most things on my smartphone and only use the computer occasionally (which brings me closer to Americans). According to this year’s study by We are social website about the condition of mobile and internet market around the world, Poland was ranked 6. when it comes to mobile online traffic share, with the result of 51% websites visited on smartphones and tablets (USA was ranked 21.) So we are clearly opening to mobile. In 77% of cases Polish people use laptops and desktop computers, in 59% – smartphones, and in 24% – tablets.


All that information shows that Internet users often use more than one device, and knowing what type of devices they use at what time of the day is helpful in deciding when and how to engage users. Second, responsive websites are a must today. If you still own a traditional website we encourage you to turn to RWD technology asap. We can help you with that.

Why does it pay off to have a responsive website? First of all, it guarantees that you reach your customers quickly and easily – also those who use mobile devices. The website looks friendly and clear, regardless of the size of the screen. It also builds a positive image of the company, making it look modern and prestigious. And what’s very important, the website will be higher in Google because responsive websites are assessed better by the browser.

P.S. Of course, I wrote this whole article on my… smartphone 🙂

Kategorie: school of contentic