
Moises Martinez Berrio about the Biopolis

More than 11 years ago, together with his wife he designed methodology that improving companies, based on board games’ systems. Today they are working with individuals and teams in companies and organizations all over the world, such as Ogilvy, IKEA, Decathlon. 

Monika Sońta

Monika Sońta

Organizational consultant and researcher rooted in Human-Centered Design. Balances between the world of science (she works at the Leon Kozminski Academy's Management In Digital Society) and business consulting. During her workshops she uses 21 kilograms of LEGO® blocks or a huge FORTH Innovation map.

★ 2 minutes czytania

Asked what’s unique about Biopolis, Moises points out three key aspects of his method:

1. Innovation: Integration of the best of Board Games with Human and Organizational Development

It is the only game-methodology that synthesizes the best in Playability and Gamification of the most important board games of the twentieth century such as Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Catán, Parcheesi, Poker (more than 500 million copies sold and 2,000 million players approx) with the best knowledge in Human and Organizational Development (Management, Coaching, Leadership, Psychology – systemic, positive, clinical, humanist, NLP, Transactional Analysis, Disruptivity, Neuroscience, Multiple Intelligences and Somatic Education).

2. Facilitator’s Transformational Process

Biopolis Methodology is very effectivebecause the Facilitator lives in his own experience the potential of the 300 cards and the different game versions. Prepareand optimizes his personal and professional life project increasing the quality and support skills in the processes with customers. It is that, unlike the saying “In the Blacksmith’s house, a stick knife”, you get as much as possible, “In the house of the blacksmith, an iron knife”.

3. Vision and Co-Creation

Our Vision is that Biopolis becomes the“game-methodology” of the 21st century and helps in the improvement of every Organization, Company, University, School and Family in the World. To reach the entire planet, we coordinate Exclusive Co-Creator Teams that Co-Create and adapt the Biopolis Methodology to the cultural, linguistic and emotional map of each country and form Facilitators who apply it with their clients. In 9 years Biopolis is already present in 27 countries and has collaborated with Organizations, Companies and Universities like Toyota, Hewlett-Packard, TEC Monterrey, University of Barcelona, etc.

Coach of life

Moises Martinez Berrio lives in Barcelona. He is a trainer, life and executive coach and mentor with more than 14 years of experience in working with CEO’s of multinational companies, business schools, politicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, trainers, professionals, athletes and international artists (yes, he plays the piano). He is a certified supervisor and/or practitioner of personal and organizational development methods such as Appreciative Inquiry or Feldenkrais Method.

Moises about his holiday: “Every day is an opportunity for a L.I.F.E holiday” (L.I.F.E – Learning by Innovative & Focused Experience)

How to lower blood pressure of your employees in three hours? – read how Biopolis works.

The only Biopolis certified training in Poland will take place in December 2019, a month after Biopolis launch in Bolivia. But if you want to check right now is this game worth training and certification, sign up for the free webinar, which will be driven by the creator of game Moises Martinez Berrio on October 16 at 15.30.

Kategorie: school of contentic, B2E

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